Refocus with a Luminous lunch and learn

In 2023-2024, Luminous Learning has offered six free hour-long lunch and learns in two three-part series for people working in the voluntary sector, on the theme of healthy workplaces and healthy lives. 

If you are interested in booking either of these series in-house for your organisation get in touch.

Series 1
Work, Rest, Play

We need each of these elements in our lives to be healthy and whole, and yet so often it’s challenging to get the balance right. During each session, we will focus on each
of these in turn, starting with work (session 1), then rest (session 2) and play (session 3); considering why each element is so important, and how we can do it better.

Series 2
Stress, Boundaries and Resilience

In order to live and work optimally, we need to be able to recognise and manage stress in the short-term (session 1), develop and maintain personal and professional boundaries (session 2) and build our resilience in the long-term (session 3). Each session will look at why the topic is so important, and how we can do it better.

“Lovely atmosphere, very interactive, felt a safe place to talk
and share, great leading of the session, thought-provoking,
challenging in a good way, good tips. I wish I'd taken more
notes! A really excellent session.”

Luminous lunch and learn participant


Revitalise management, leadership and facilitator development