Luminous Learning creates and delivers high quality learning for adults in the workplace and beyond.

Our vision is that every person can flourish and fulfil their
potential, and can support others to do the same. 

Our mission is to facilitate important conversations about
healthy workplaces and healthy lives, inspiring individual
and collective change. 

We achieve our mission through creating and delivering high
quality learning experiences for adults, in a variety of settings.
We focus on management and leadership development; equality, diversity and inclusion; and mental health
and wellbeing.

We facilitate classroom-based face to face training from
your venue and virtual classrooms online, as well as learning
outdoors through urban hikes for mental health.

“The training was very interactive. I am more knowledgeable now, and all
that I have learnt today will help me with working with my team, the people
I support and every aspect of my life. Jo was a very good trainer and
made the training interesting”

Gloria, Support Worker, Aurora-Nexus